Life Insurance Leads Nashville

If you’re a Nashville-based insurance agent searching for high-quality, affordable life insurance leads, MAB Media has the solution.

Say goodbye to shared leads and tyre kickers and hello to real-time, exclusive leads eager to secure their life insurance protection.

To summarise...


How We Generate High-Intent Life Insurance Leads

Our approach is centred around transparency and education:


  • Social Media Targeting: We target individuals actively searching for life insurance online on popular social platforms.
  • Educational Filtering: Before submitting their information, potential leads are directed to an informative article. This ensures they understand what they’re signing up for and filters out uninterested prospects.
  • Data-Rich Forms: Our forms collect 13+ essential data points, including name, contact information, date of birth, coverage amount, and more.
  • Your Branding Front and Centre: We prominently feature your name and phone number, empowering hot leads to contact you directly.


Our proven lead generation system combines targeted social media outreach with lead qualification. The result? Higher conversion rates, increased sales, and a more efficient use of your time and resources.

The MAB Media Advantage

Tired of chasing shared leads and dealing with unqualified prospects? Elevate your insurance business in Nashville with MAB Media’s exclusive, high-quality life insurance leads. Our unique approach delivers the following key advantages:


  • Real-Time Leads: Receive leads the instant a prospect expresses interest.
  • Exclusivity: You’ll never receive a shared or recycled lead.
  • Education and Intent: Our leads are informed about life insurance, increasing conversion rates.
  • Speed: Full order fulfilment within 48-72 hours.
  • Affordability: Our cost-effective pricing model maximises your ROI.


Stop wasting time and money on lacklustre leads. Partner with MAB Media and experience the difference of real-time, exclusive leads designed to drive sales success. Contact us today to transform your life insurance lead generation in Nashville!

Our Simple and Effective Process

kick off

A strategy call ensures we’re the right fit for you and provides a detailed program overview.


We develop your exclusive campaign, typically ready within 24 hours.


Once approved, your leads start coming in. Full order completion takes about 48 hours, and you get email notifications for each new lead.

Follow Up

We nurture leads with informative emails, further increasing their receptiveness.

Who We Are

MAB Media specialises in digital marketing for independent insurance agencies. We innovate tirelessly to help agents generate more appointments, sales, and revenue. Our commitment is simple: proven strategies with a clear focus on your success. Here are the experts behind your success:

Mohammad Badat

CEO & Founder

Devoted to helping agents and growing the reach of insurance.

Nicolas Leung


Ensures top-notch client results and exceptional team management.

Samanta Louise

Strategist/ Campaign

Maximises campaign ROI and develops cutting-edge marketing strategies.

Hoshan Sonatun

Marketing Manager

Dedicated to delivering the highest quality leads.

Contact MAB Media Today!

If you’re ready to experience the power of exclusive, high-intent life insurance leads, contact us now.


"Once the leads pick up the phone, they are very receptive"

Jeff P.

Life Insurance Agent

"Writing $20,000 - $30,000 every month"

Jared D.
Final Expense Agent

I am writing around $5000Ap every week as a fairly new agent"

Taylor B.
Life Insurance Agent

"Sara puts $5000 commission in her pocket every week as a part time agent"

Sara S.
Final Expense Agent

"The Leads have been quick to answer the phone and open to me coming over"

Emily K.
Life Insurance Agent

"MAB Media leads have been the highest quality that I have ever worked"

Troy T.
Final Expense Agent

"How Josh Richardson Writes $10,000/Week As A Final Expense Agent"

Josh R
Life Insurance Agent

"Wrote $15,000AP From just $2.4k worth of Final Expense leads"

Mike H.
Final Expense Agent

"I was very impressed because every time I called the client, the client was basically expecting my call"

Eduardo M
Life Insurance Agent

"Went from writing 9-10 applications a week to 17-18 applications a week"

kendric A.
Final Expense Agent

"Since I met Mo, I've been able to submit much more business"

Chris A.
Agency Owner

"Since working with Mo I have recommended him to several agents"

William S. Jr
Founder Of The Legacy Empowerment Group

"Mo delivered on everything that he said. I was able to get the quality and the quantity of leads I needed"

Justin R.
Final Expense Agent

"I'm making more whilst doing less."

Michael D.
Owner Of Guardian Benefits

"I referred him to 4 other colleagues of mine who are also getting great results"

John T.
Final Expense Agent

"Leads are higher intent"

Matt T.
Life Insurance Agent

"Got better results with these leads than with direct mail leads"

Walker W.
Final Expense Agent

"The quality is good. People know it's insurance and the have to pay for it"

Joel J.
Life Insurance Agent

"$700 AP 30 min in the home. The lead called me"

James “Bo” K.
Final Expense Agent

"I don't get the phone hung up on me when I mention life insurance or final expense "

David P.
Final Expense Agent

"Closed 3 out of 4 appointments. Todays total: $3,921.56 AP"

David P.
Final Expense Agent

"Wrote 4 applications from 20 leads. Total: $4234AP"

Whittmin R.
Final Expense Agent

"First appointment 2 apps for right at $1,900"

Matt T.
Agency Owner At Family First Life

"$9,019.32 for the week"

Walker W.
Final Expense Agent