Life Insurance Leads Philadelphia

Are you tired of buying expensive life insurance leads that don’t close?

MAB Media delivers high-intent, exclusive leads generated through targeted digital marketing. Our unique process ensures leads are informed and ready to buy, saving you time and increasing your ROI.

To summarise...


How We Generate High-Quality Life Insurance Leads

Traditional lead generation methods often result in low-quality prospects and wasted time. Our approach is different. We use a refined, targeted process that delivers high-intent life insurance leads directly to your inbox. Here’s how it works:


  • Targeted Social Media Ads: We strategically target users who are actively interested in life insurance on social media platforms.
  • Pre-Qualification Article: Interested prospects are directed to an informative article for education and lead filtering.
  • Detailed Lead Form: Leads fill out a form with 13+ questions, giving you everything you need for follow-up, including contact information, desired coverage, and more.
  • Instant Delivery: Receive leads within seconds. Our systems send you leads as soon as they’re submitted, enabling fast contact.


This targeted approach ensures you receive motivated, pre-informed leads who understand the value of life insurance. This translates into less wasted time on your end, higher conversion rates, and a better overall ROI for your lead generation efforts.

What Makes Us Different?

Unlike other lead generation models, we focus on delivering quality, not just quantity. All leads are generated exclusively for you—we don’t resell leads to multiple agents. You’ll receive them instantly, along with email notifications, so you can follow up while they’re still hot.


Our process pre-informs potential clients about life insurance, reducing the number of unqualified prospects you’ll deal with. Best of all, our program is designed to be affordable, offering superior value and a greater ROI than traditional lead-buying channels.

Our Proven Process

We kick off with a free discovery session to see if our program aligns well with your unique needs. If it does, we then work with you to create your exclusive campaign and get it running quickly. Your full lead order is typically fulfilled within a speedy 48-72 hours.


To keep the leads engaged, we nurture them with educational email content, resulting in better-informed prospects and increased conversion rates for you.

The MAB Media Difference

At MAB Media, we are marketing experts dedicated to helping independent insurance agencies thrive. Unlike other lead companies, we focus on:


  • Exclusivity: No resold, recycled leads.
  • Educated Leads: Prospects understand what they’re opting into.
  • Maximum ROI: Our affordable program delivers results.

Mohammad Badat

CEO & Founder

Nicolas Leung


Samanta Louise

Strategist/ Campaign

Hoshan Sonatun

Marketing Manager

Ready to Get Started?

Book your free discovery session now and see how we can revolutionise your life insurance lead generation!


"Once the leads pick up the phone, they are very receptive"

Jeff P.

Life Insurance Agent

"Writing $20,000 - $30,000 every month"

Jared D.
Final Expense Agent

I am writing around $5000Ap every week as a fairly new agent"

Taylor B.
Life Insurance Agent

"Sara puts $5000 commission in her pocket every week as a part time agent"

Sara S.
Final Expense Agent

"The Leads have been quick to answer the phone and open to me coming over"

Emily K.
Life Insurance Agent

"MAB Media leads have been the highest quality that I have ever worked"

Troy T.
Final Expense Agent

"How Josh Richardson Writes $10,000/Week As A Final Expense Agent"

Josh R
Life Insurance Agent

"Wrote $15,000AP From just $2.4k worth of Final Expense leads"

Mike H.
Final Expense Agent

"I was very impressed because every time I called the client, the client was basically expecting my call"

Eduardo M
Life Insurance Agent

"Went from writing 9-10 applications a week to 17-18 applications a week"

kendric A.
Final Expense Agent

"Since I met Mo, I've been able to submit much more business"

Chris A.
Agency Owner

"Since working with Mo I have recommended him to several agents"

William S. Jr
Founder Of The Legacy Empowerment Group

"Mo delivered on everything that he said. I was able to get the quality and the quantity of leads I needed"

Justin R.
Final Expense Agent

"I'm making more whilst doing less."

Michael D.
Owner Of Guardian Benefits

"I referred him to 4 other colleagues of mine who are also getting great results"

John T.
Final Expense Agent

"Leads are higher intent"

Matt T.
Life Insurance Agent

"Got better results with these leads than with direct mail leads"

Walker W.
Final Expense Agent

"The quality is good. People know it's insurance and the have to pay for it"

Joel J.
Life Insurance Agent

"$700 AP 30 min in the home. The lead called me"

James “Bo” K.
Final Expense Agent

"I don't get the phone hung up on me when I mention life insurance or final expense "

David P.
Final Expense Agent

"Closed 3 out of 4 appointments. Todays total: $3,921.56 AP"

David P.
Final Expense Agent

"Wrote 4 applications from 20 leads. Total: $4234AP"

Whittmin R.
Final Expense Agent

"First appointment 2 apps for right at $1,900"

Matt T.
Agency Owner At Family First Life

"$9,019.32 for the week"

Walker W.
Final Expense Agent